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EzRep executives are business owners that craft solutions from experience
rapidly elevating customer satisfaction and increasing retention.


Call Center

What are Inbound Call Services?

Inbound call center services refer to communications initiated by the customer. This can be done through any channel, including voice, email, chat, SMS or social media. Customer care and technical support are some of the most common forms of inbound call center services. Inbound call center agents answer incoming calls from customers and provide support services as needed by the customer.


Call Center

What are Outbound Call Center Services?

Outbound call center services include interactions where the agent initiates the communication, typically by an outbound phone call. This includes “cold calling” a list of prospects to generate interest in your products or services, or by reaching out to people who are already customers to encourage them to upgrade services or purchase additional products. Other outbound call services include customer win-back strategies for customers who have churned and also the collection of information through market research or surveys. This differs from inbound calls, where the customer or prospect initiates the conversation through an incoming phone call, text message, email, or social media interaction.

Customer Service

Call Center

Earn customer loyalty with stellar Customer Service

CX will often define whether your customers remain loyal to your brand. Having the right outsource customer support provider is absolutely critical to your company’s success. Your agents need truly understand your customers culture and language. You must have the flexibility to quickly scale your team up or down due to demand fluctuations or new product launches. Our experienced agents can provide the following tasks: Assist customers in placing new orders, and upselling them on additional products or features. Resolve customer issues regarding their order or service interruptions or replacement requests. Help customers with billing or payment issues, book appointments or reservations. Provide general support by answering questions about your products and your company.

IT Support


Technology surrounds us

Whether it’s a computer application, a mobile app, or a smart device, we expect it to function as expected. But, unfortunately, it can negatively impact our ability to work, manage our household, or enjoy our lives when it doesn't. When your customers are experiencing technical issues, it’s essential to resolve them as quickly as possible. When customers contact your tech support team, they are unhappy, so first call resolution is critical. Issues can arise at any time, so it’s crucial to provide a support center that’s available 24/7/365. Outsourcing your help desk support to an experienced tech support call center can create a skilled extension of your support team at a fraction of the cost. Whether you need on-demand application support or general outsourced IT services, providing exceptional customer service levels is a fundamental requirement for your company’s success. Typical technical support services include:
Identification of the customer’s specific issue.
Providing step-by-step solutions, assisting the customer and verifying that the problem has been corrected.
Improve customer retention.

Live Chat


An easy way for customers to reach you

By supporting customers and prospects that visit your site with 24/7 chat engagement, you’re resolving customer issues in real-time, generating more leads for your sales teams, closing more sales, and extending your brand’s impact.
Customers strongly prefer one-to-one communication that gives them immediate answers. They don’t want to be put on hold when they call or wait for your email reply. Customers need to have the ability to reach you constantly at any time. Unfortunately, AI bots can’t always answer questions as quickly as customer support agents.
Our Agents provide the highest customer satisfaction and utilize the latest live chat software. By using the latest live chat tools, chat outsourcing can offer a seamless connection to customers exploring your brand online, 24/7.
Engage your customers — live chat outsourcing adds velocity to transactions, increases lead momentum and improve customer support. Live chat solutions deliver several benefits, including:
Omnichannel engagement
Increased sales ROI
Higher customer satisfaction
Customer self-service



IoT is driving transformational growth in the warranty protection sector

Our warranty protection agents deliver expert customer support that provides peace of mind and validates your customer's decision to purchase an extended warranty. We improve customer experience in the following areas: Claims processing
Consumer retention
Consumer acquisition
Upselling and cross-selling
Outbound and inbound call center support
Maintenance scheduling and reminders
Field dispatch support
Help desk & tech support
Mobile app support
B2B and B2C
Billing, and back-office support
Multilingual support
Compliance with PCI, GDPR, CCPA standards



Generate quality leads while reducing your overall costs.

Outsource telesales is the process to achieve repeat business through strategies like giving high levels of satisfaction and excellent customer relations. Telesales representatives contact different clients to promote products and services. Commonly Outsourced Telemarketing Tasks are:
Customized Sales Campaigns
Complex Program Management
Lead Generation
Lead Qualification
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Retention
List Scrubbing
Fulfillment Services
Payment Processing



Campaigns have a short period of time to make an impact

Political call centers are often the most direct line of communication for candidates' political action committees to reach voters. We contact a curated list of contacts to perform political telemarketing to collect donations, provide education about the platform, conduct research and remind people to vote on election day.
We utilize proprietary software with a sophisticated outbound dialer, location-based caller ID (making the call appear to be coming from a phone number in the recipient’s area code), pre-recorded messages, and interactive voice response (IVR) systems. They also have clear call disposition codes to record the phone call result and refine their list for future outreach. Some political call centers also serve as a communication hub, receiving calls and managing social media, emails, and SMS messaging.



Survey Processing Services

RPM's are the best feedback tool to collect information about an organization's products and services. Surveys cause the organization to gauge its strengths and weaknesses and improve its service and infrastructure requirements. Here at EzRep, a team of professionals is waiting to help you analyze your staff productivity, management competence, and marketing strategies on your valuable customers and their impact on your business. As a result, we increase our customers' revenue through our survey processing services. Our survey processing methodology revolves around state-of-the-art technology and a dedicated team of professionals. The various stages of survey processing include:
At EzRep, we have a team of core professionals to analyze your business process and devise the best possible survey questionnaire for your organization.
Our experts strategize the information gathering methods. These include polls, mailing lists, telephonic interviews, and face-to-face interviews.
Survey Reporting: Our survey reporting services include:
Collecting survey data from the participants
We digitize this information into a computerized database through different survey scanning methods.
Providing customized reports and frequency analysis.
Analysis, Suggestions, and implementation.

Order Processing


Maintain customer trust through quality sales order processing

When customers first order your product, they expect a seamless experience. That means easy ordering, proactive order confirmations, rapid delivery, shipping updates, with complete visibility at every point of the sales order process.
One bad experience can be the end of a customer relationship. That’s why top organizations are putting an end to order process mishaps by entrusting highly-trained call centers to manage their order processing at scale.
Spend less time managing customer sales orders and updating your customer database. A trusted sales team can offer processing services that exceed expectations and delight your customers.
Perform end-to-end customer service throughout the ordering process.
Guide customers through ordering to fulfillment.
Increase average order value by upselling and cross-selling products that best fit your customers.

Lead Generation


Focus on closing high-quality leads instead of generating new ones.

It doesn’t make financial sense to leave lead generation efforts up to your internal teams in many cases. Cold calling and qualifying leads are vital parts of the sales process, but a quality lead generation service can handle them.
Outsourcing lead generation services is a great way to fill your pipeline with qualified sales leads without burdening your internal sales teams. We put our agents through rigorous training so they can effectively pitch your products or services and encourage your potential customers to learn more.
We discuss your products or services with prospects.
Connect qualified leads with your internal sales team.
Work with you to continually refine and improve your prospecting process.



Customer experience is key through the reservation process

Your customers have plenty of options as they plan their travel. Your competitors are often located across the street, with a base offering on par with the ones you offer. Providing an exceptional customer experience during the reservations and booking process sets the stage for their relationship with your organization and can create customer loyalty.
Your front desk staff is busy handling guest satisfaction and general customer service. Partnering with EzRep can take the burden of reservation services off your internal team and put it in the hands of agents skilled at customer care and cross-selling in a multi-channel environment. In addition, we assist customers with changing, upgrading, canceling, or securing a new reservation.
Manage reservations booked by phone, your website, or a third-party service.
We provide general information about your company and your service offerings.
Answer questions about your amenities and the surrounding area.

Data Entry


Businesses today are Data driven.

Staying on top of the entire customer engagement process is driven by information! Therefore, finding and taking advantage of customer leads and customer engagement is critical. Starting with lead engagement, cultivating leads, converting leads into customers, making the sale, and following up can be the difference between success and failure. Saving money, increasing efficiency, lowering overhead all contribute to profitability. Paying less for Data Entry can be vital to achieving this goal. We provide:
Online Data Entry, Offline Data Entry, Image Data Entry, Quickbooks Data Entry, Insurance Data Entry, Claims Data Entry, Utility and Invoice Data Entry, ERP Data Entry, CRM Data Entry, Catalog Data Entry, Data Extraction, Data Cleansing, Data Enrichment, High-Volume Data Entry.

Social Media


Engage with your customers

With the power to rapidly reach audiences, optimized social media customer service can lower inbound call volume and promote seamless customer experiences.
That’s why social media outsourcing has grown in popularity, offering organizations more tools to build loyalty, grow retention, and engage with customers in real-time across their preferred platforms.
Social media is the easiest way for customers to connect and share their brand experiences.
Social media is your organization's public face, and outsourcing social media strategy sets you apart from your competitors.
Ensure that customer experiences are tailored to your unique products and services and reflect your company values across the most popular social channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more.
Focusing on social media can manage high customer inquiries 24/7 and proactively respond to negative social interactions to safeguard their brand and serve their customers. Additionally, as the tools and best practices for social media services rapidly evolve, your organization can reap the rewards of having a dedicated social media call center team on your side. Key benefits include:
Protecting your brand image
Customer engagement
Social channel monitoring
24/7, 365 days a year customer service
Data insight to sales and marketing teams
Call deflection



Creating Brand Awareness

An SEO Virtual Assistant is someone who works remotely on your SEO strategy. We can help you implement your SEO tactics design an SEO strategy tailored to your business.
Our highly trained SEO VA's know how to utilize metrics to improve propensity. They have a particular set of skills and knowledge that is highly useful if you want to optimize your website, improve your online presence, and increase the page ranking of various pages on your website. SEO is an excellent tool to help small businesses compete with large corporations and more established companies. As a business owner, you must appreciate the role of an SEO VA is.
Here are some of the things that a virtual assistant for SEO services can do for you:
Keyword Research and tagging
Online Directory Submission
Metadata Setup or Entry
Google Analytics & Webmaster Tool Setup
Link Canonicalization
RSS and Pinging Submission
Guest Posting
Broken Link Building
Photo Sharing
Video Optimization & Submission
Infographic Optimization & Submission
Blog Commenting
Article Submission

Virtual Assistant


By 2027, 50% of workers in the United States will be completely remote.

A Virtual Assistant (VA) provides support services to other businesses remotely.
Working remotely is convenient, and it saves time & money. In addition, overhead costs are much lower because people do not need as much physical office space anymore – but they still attend meetings virtually and have all their processes and systems connected the same as a local team member.
Relying on virtual assistants can help your company financially while boosting productivity. Some well-known benefits include:
• Lowered employment costs: You aren’t required to pay employment taxes for a non-employee virtual assistant, nor are you responsible for workers’ compensation insurance, unemployment, sick leave, or vacation time. Plus, recruiting, onboarding and training is minimal — if even necessary at all.
• Flexibility: A Virtual Assistant can work during whatever schedule you set.
• Minimal overhead / reduced equipment expenses: They work from their own remote offices and supply most of their own equipment. You retain the option of providing them with specific software you may require to perform their job duties.
• Bigger talent pool: By tapping into a wider geographic area and giving workers more flexibility and work arrangement options, you increase your access to varied talent.
• Enhanced productivity: Most business professionals can benefit from virtual assistant services, no matter the size of their organization. A virtual assistant can pick up the slack, allowing the entrepreneur to focus on essential duties. Small companies who retain the services of a VA can benefit in many of the same ways that entrepreneurs do. Mid-size to larger organizations will reap all these benefits and more with the strategic use of skilled, experienced VAs who can tackle value-added job duties.
• Maximizing the value of your time: Virtual assistant services enable you to free your schedule of non-revenue generating tasks and expand your business without blowing up your budget.
• Affordable Business Growth: A VA is not only substantially more affordable than hiring in-house, the continual management and training costs are also far less.
• Freedom from Administrative Busy-Work: Having recurring admin tasks taken off your plate will help you focus your time on growing your business.
• Gain valuable customer feedback and market data: A virtual assistant can collect data for you, providing a valuable resource for your business.
• Maintain Your Online Presence: A virtual assistant can help you manage your online presence, respond to customers and prospects on social media, and produce and repurpose content so you can keep your social media posts fresh and engaging.
• Avoid Burnout: Virtual assistant services can help you maintain a work-life balance crucial to optimizing your productivity and general well-being.



Best dispatch practice for your business

The rising popularity of e-commerce and other online services has made dispatching one of the most crucial business decisions in recent times. In addition to fast delivery services, a sound dispatch system builds vital relationships by handling last-minute delivery requests and several other exceptions. Furthermore, it aims at creating a solid and loyal consumer base that sticks with the brand, no matter how tough the competition gets. Therefore, every business must aim for a dispatch system that qualifies all its unique requirements.



Intelligent communication to increase debt recovery

Collecting delinquent accounts requires substantial human capital, technology, and compliance expertise. EzRep can help your financial institution more effectively manage delinquency and reduce the cost of your collections efforts. A scalable and customized collections program allows your institution to determine what is best for your overall strategy. Intelligent customer communication services enable efficient, effective communications with borrowers. Our innovative technology can help your institution maximize loan debt recoveries on individual and commercial accounts. From completely outsourcing the service, partially outsourcing, or anywhere in between, you need a program you can trust to reduce costs while keeping delinquencies to a minimum. Our solution enables efficient and effective two-way communication with borrowers using their preferred communication channels. Our advanced communication service allows borrowers to resolve payment issues and enter promises to pay—all on their preferred channel, with the option to speak to a live agent—the best of all worlds!