Call Center


Inbound/Out Bound/ Omni-channel Call Center Services

We provide typical call center services as well as virtual assistance at competitive prices. Our goal is the improve the relationship between the customer and our clients. We take pride in being a CX solution provider and work hard to maintain a stellar rate of retention.

We strive to provide any solution our clients need and know that the keys to a successful consumer relationship are due to customer service.

Yes. Send us a request for a quote and we will set up a demonstration of our software.

Although enterprise clients can benefit from utilizing the EzRep Client™ and take advantage of continuity— the EzRep Client™ was designed to support remote working with the Independent Contract and Small Business owner in mind. In the months to come, we will continue to add features to the EzRep Client™ providing a robust offering that will suit enterprises. If you would like more information please email to

Yes, we charge below industry standards while providing higher than industry standard service.

We do not list all of the industries we support and the solutions we provide online. We assess each opportunity as a case-by-case and work on customized solutions. Send us a request for a quote at

Once you press the buy button you will be asked to create an account and request a quote. Once you’re in our system and we have had a consultation you can buy your subscription and blocks of time directly through your EzRep account online or from the mobile app. Before you can signup and take advantage of the EzRep platform we need to understand your business and your needs. Request a quote or contact us through our contact page.